Shen Val Westphalians
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  • we board broodmares & weanlings to adult horses
  • we raise fillies, geldings and stallions up to 3 years in a group of 5-15 horses, we offer quality feed and unlimited hay
  • we get your foal halter broke, start horses under saddle and take horses in full or half training
  • we offer a FULL service for your broodmare & foal, manage the breeding, ET, broodmare care, foaling, mare & foal care, rasing weanlings, etc.
Broodmare Paddock
Young Horse Barn
Rates for Boarding:  
Weanlings, yearlings and 2-year-old $700.00/ month or $25.00/day - colt & filly groups (including 2x/day high quality grain and unlimited hay)
3 years and older boarding in a group of same age horses $800.00/ month or $28.00/day (including 2x/day high quality grain and unlimited hay)
Broodmares/ horses in no training $900.00/ month or $30.00/day
Mare & Foal Board $1,250.00 or $42.00/day (including foal handling & Purina grain & unlimited hay)
Horses in Training (new barn) $1,000.00 or $35.00/day
Foaling Fee $775.00 (straw bedded foaling stalls, including video monitored foal watch, health check, colostrum evaluation via refractometer, deworming (dam), foal vitamins, IgG-blood check etc. German Veterinarian on site)




Westphalians for USA LLC * 1155 Turner Rd. Jackson, SC 29831